We connect purpose-driven organisations with volunteers professionals and we unlock their potential. 

Together, we achieve more positive impact. 


ToolBox is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the management of purposed-driven organizations in Belgium through volunteer expertise.

Thanks to their expertise and experience, our volunteer professionals help the directors and teams to meet the challenges of their organization.


Thanks to many years of activity (since 2003), ToolBox offers the support, methodology and tools necessary for effective coaching.



ToolBox offers workshops and training throughout the year to its members who will develop new useful tools to meet personal or professional challenges.


Our support projects give members the opportunity to meet new people, test their skills and discover other issues and approaches to a challenge. 


Through skills volunteering, market and non-market sectors connect and learn from each other. Together, ToolBoxers and organizations develop adapted and tailor-made responses to increase their impact.  


The ToolBox Hub provides a meeting point for social purpose organizations, volunteer professionals and partners who share the common goal of improving the lives of vulnerable people. 

The ToolBox team’s goal is to accompany you throughout your project.

Do not hesitate to contact us, we love meeting new people and creating synergies!  

ToolBox Team

Cécile Vennat

Cécile Vennat

Director and coordinator FR
0470 98 15 58
[email protected]
Catherine de T’Serclaes

Catherine de T’Serclaes

Communication & community manager
0478 55 69 75
[email protected]
Els Janssens

Els Janssens

Coordinator NL
0473 77 69 82
[email protected]
Anne Pailhès

Anne Pailhès

Coordinator NL - FR
0473 33 82 74
[email protected]
Evelyne Schöller

Evelyne Schöller

Social Challenge and Accelerator Manager
0477 24 66 44
[email protected]

ToolBox is fortunate to rely on the skills of a solid and involved board of directors.

Their favorite pastime is to challenge the ToolBox team and encourage them to improve continuously. Always kindly!

Our board of directors

Miek Van Den Bossche

Johan Louis Goossens


Amandine Englebert

Caroline Thijssen


Marc Meeùs

Caroline de Cartier

Philippe Lacroix

Geert Joris

Johan Merlevede

In 2002, four friends discussed their wish to contribute to innovative social projects. They found the “gift of competence” concept developed in Anglo-Saxon countries particularly interesting.

Their discussions with a few Belgian non-profit organizations quickly revealed that the provision of coaching and management expertise to meet the targeted needs of associations would enable them to carry out their social purpose more effectively. 
Although there is a real demand for support from multiple associations, there are only a few, if any, initiatives of this type in Belgium. Their first successful support of an association located in Charleroi and the growing interest of other social organizations finally convinced the friends to create a structured project by setting up a non-profit organization.
This is how Charles-Antoine Janssen, François de Borchgrave, Alexandre Lippens and Isabelle Adam founded ToolBox asbl-vzw in June 2003.

Get involved,
make a donation!

By supporting ToolBox, you are supporting around a hundred purpose-driven organizations active in many different fields such as youth assistance, health care and prevention, environment, culture, integration, fight against poverty, crime prevention... throughout Belgium. 

With the help of ToolBox, these organizations can increase their professionalism and the effectiveness of their social actions to support vulnerable people

ToolBox is a non-subsidized non-profit organization that operates solely thanks to the financial support of partners and private donations.

Account Name: Fonds des Amis de ToolBox - Fonds Vrienden van ToolBox
Bank account number: BE10 0000 0000 0404 • BIC: BPOTBEB1
Communication: ***197/0050/00079***

ToolBox in 2023




Member organizations


Supported Projects