Questions ? Want to know more about our actions?
Contact us! By filling out this form or by contacting the team directly.

Email général: [email protected]

  • Catherine de T’Serclaes : Communication & Community
    0478 55 69 75 - [email protected]

ToolBox asbl is a non-profit association under Belgian law.
Its head office is located at : Twaalfapostelenstraat - Rue des Douze Apôtres 3, 1000 Brussels - Belgium 

Our bank account details : 523-0803270-88 – IBAN BE56 5230 8032 7088 – BIC TRIOBEBB


Get involved,
make a donation!

By supporting ToolBox, you are supporting around a hundred purpose-driven organizations active in many different fields such as youth assistance, health care and prevention, environment, culture, integration, fight against poverty, crime prevention... throughout Belgium. 

With the help of ToolBox, these organizations can increase their professionalism and the effectiveness of their social actions to support vulnerable people

ToolBox is a non-subsidized non-profit organization that operates solely thanks to the financial support of partners and private donations.

Account Name: Fonds des Amis de ToolBox - Fonds Vrienden van ToolBox
Bank account number: BE10 0000 0000 0404 • BIC: BPOTBEB1
Communication: ***197/0050/00079***