Finance Boost Day

Thursday January 30, 2025 09:00 AM Donderdag 30 Januari 2025, 09:00 Jeudi 30 Janvier 2025 à 09:00
Finance Boost Day


BNP Paribas Fortis Chancellery
Rue de la Chancellerie 1
1000 Bruxelles 1000
Google map et itinéraire

ToolBox assists a number of non-profit organizations in creating an economic model that does not depend solely on subsidies. This need has led us to create FINANCE BOOST DAY, a day 100% dedicated to NON-SUBSIDIZED SOCIAL SECTOR FINANCING, to which we are delighted to invite you.

The day will be structured around expert presentations, exchanges of experience and practical workshops, so that everyone can both gain an overview and identify concrete courses of action.


  • 8:30-9:00: Welcome
  • 9:00-9:30: Introductory session
  • 9:45-11:00: Dialogue between associations and foundations to better understand each other's needs and challenges, with the participation of :
  • 11:15-12:30: Fundraising in a fast-changing world: Organizations are relying more and more on private fundraising. This is not only to maximize the realization of their mission, but also out of growing financial necessity. Tom Moons (SOS Child Village), Jeroen Brugge (Bestuurder bij Fundraisers Belgium) and Thibaut Conrotte (Handicap International Belgium, l'Îlot,...) will take you on a tour of the current fundraising landscape, with a look to the future. Where are we now, what challenges lie ahead, what's working, what's outdated?
  • 12:30-13:30: Lunch networking
  • 13:45-14:45: Choice of session 1 (see below)
  • 15:00-16:00: Choice of session 2 (see below)

    In the afternoon, we invite you to make 2 choices between the different practice-sharing sessions on offer:

      • Apprenez à pitcher votre projet auprès d'un financeur (FR)
      • Pitch je project aan een stakeholder (NL)
      • Votre mix de financement: challengez votre modèle économique (FR)
      • Daag je bedrijfsmodel uit: feedback over je eigen casus (NL)
      • La digitalisation des levées de fonds (FR)
      • Je financieringsmix : balanceer je inkomstenbronnen (NL)
      • Votre projet est fait-il pour le crowdfunding ? (FR)
      • Improve the energy efficiency of your buildings by BNP Impact Together (FR/NL)
      • Ma relation à l'argent : quel impact sur ma manière de lever des fonds pour mon asbl ? (FR)
      • Is er een verband tussen mijn relatie tot geld en mijn competentie om geld te vinden voor mijn vzw? (NL)

  • 16:15-16:45: Closing ceremony, with the opportunity to take part in the presentation of the Champions Award by BNP Paribas Fortis Foundation and the Energy Efficiency Award by the Impact Together Fund.
  • 17:00: End of day

    This event marks the start of ToolBox 2025, a year dedicated to financing non-profit organizations. Beyond the interest of this day, it will give us the opportunity to better identify your needs in order to develop a complete year-long cycle on this subject.

- With the support of National Lottery players and BNP Paribas Fortis.-