Our New Logo
For ToolBox's 20th anniversary, we wanted to spice up our logo a bit. To modernize it, while remaining in the spirit of ToolBox. Learn about the history of ToolBox logos.
Originally, ToolBox wanted to provide the social sector with a toolbox full of diverse expertise through volunteers from the commercial sector. The founders of ToolBox captured this well with the bolt in place of the "O" in their logo.
Logo 2003:
With time, the ToolBox team realized that their logo did not sufficiently reflect their project in which the human being has a central place. The missions of accompaniment proposed by our organization are indeed first of all a story of connections between men and women. The logo is therefore evolving. The bolt is transformed by the symbol of a little man, the baseline is also more oriented towards the human link.
Logo 2010: The logo gives central place to the human being
A few years later, the logo was lightened and decorated with softer colors, perhaps also less "corporate". Moreover, the mention "asbl-vzw" is added to the logo to clearly affirm ToolBox's belonging to the social sector, even though its volunteers at that time come mostly from the commercial sector.
Logo 2016: The logo becomes lighter
In 2019, the logo is simplified and a baseline is back. In bilingual this time to underline its "Belgian and Proud to be Belgian" side and its presence in the whole country. However, the human aspect so dear to the heart of our organization was missing.
Logo 2019: The logo is simplified
That's what we wanted to propose with our new logo. The change is so simple and yet so in line with our DNA. It was actually a ToolBoxer who slipped us the idea. "Two intersecting "O's" is exactly ToolBox!" Gregory was right. The organizations we work with come away with new expertise, while the ToolBoxers discover new facets of our society and challenge their own professional and private skills.
ToolBox is a magical tangle of passionate men and women, of sharing, of connections, with the will to perpetually seek to increase its impact, for a more just and united society.
Logo 2023: the newbie
We hope you enjoy it!