Thank you Joëlle! ❤️
It is with great emotion and infinite respect that we would like to thank our dear colleague Joëlle Bragard for her immense contribution to the ToolBox project.
After 9 years serving societal organizations as coordinator of Flemish projects, Joëlle decided to leave for new adventures, more personal this time, while keeping ToolBox close to her heart.
A rare listener and always constructive, Joëlle has always impressed us with her rigor, her sense of (re)questioning and her very fine attention to detail. As a colleague and friend, she brought us this gentleness, this feeling of security and this kindness, so important for the harmony of the team and the project.
Thank you, Joelle, and good luck! We know you're never far away if you're needed 😉
Cécile, the ToolBox Team and Board
Below is Joëlle's message to ToolBox members:
"Dear friends,
This week marks my last days at ToolBox. After 9 wonderful years at ToolBox, I decided to take flight.
Working at ToolBox has been an exciting adventure for me. I leave with a heart full of gratitude and wish to thank each of you for your openness, your trust and your collaboration throughout these years. I had the chance to discover committed people, to be inspired by your actions for a fairer world. I keep with me the best of our encounters. For my part, I hope I have been able, in my role as coordinator, to offer you the necessary support in your desire to move forward.
I leave you in good hands. Cécile and Dirk will share the monitoring of the projects. And Catherine will continue to run the ToolBox Hub.
I hope that life will make our paths cross again and in this hope, I say see you soon!
Joëlle "