The ReBoost Day @ Brussels
On Tuesday 13 June 2023, we invited the directors of French-speaking social-profit organisations in Brussels to take a day out for themselves.
The aim: to take a step aside to connect with peers, share good (and not so good) practice and find answers to the challenges faced by their organisation and their position.
40 heads of organisations attended this first ReBoost Day.
Here's how the ReBoost Day went: We started the day together by letting the participants share the challenges they were facing and wanted to discuss.
4 themes were chosen: Governance, Financing, Efficiency (of the structure) and Leadership. These 4 themes were developed in 4 workshops, each led by a ToolBoxer with expertise in the field and a facilitator. The leaders were also divided into groups of 10 people to rotate through this workshops. (2 workshops in the morning and 2 in the afternoon).
At midday, after everyone had taken part in 2 first workshops, all the participants were able to enjoy a delicious vegetarian buffet prepared by APUS & Cocottes Volantes and take part in energising activities:
- Yoga
- Reflexology
- "How to balance my professional and private life" workshop
- Nordic walking
8 ToolBoxers also joined the break to meet the participants and answer any questions they might have on subjects as varied as communication, digitalisation, project management, banking advice, management, etc.
In the afternoon, the groups set off again for the last 2 workshops in which they had not yet participated. And that's it, the day is already over, with a great closing moment to allow everyone to express what they came away with from the day. Here's a small compilation of what we received in our feedback form:
"Great ideas to implement within our association, interesting contacts and confirmation that, in the end, we're all in the same boat (and that, thanks to this kind of opportunity, we can help each other to sail more serenely)".
"The incredible energy that each of the participants develops in his or her non-profit organisation. Sharing our common problems makes us feel so much better. The public authorities have a lot of work to do in helping the players in this sector with their funding."
"I came away with the feeling that I'm not alone in having to deal with the complexities of management, and with optimism".
"The lightness and joy of having met so many great people and having had so many moments of sharing".
This feedback goes straight to our hearts. We made no mistake: these days are meaningful and aptly named :)
Thanks again to ASBLissimo and for co-organising this ReBoost Day with us. Thank you to the ToolBoxers for their commitment and their presence. Thank you to the 2 Mathildes, responsible for the yoga and reflexology activities. And, of course, thank you to all the participants for their presence, their confidence and their incredible energy.
Two other ReBoost days are already in the pipeline. One in Wallonia (Liège or Namur) and the other in Flanders (Gent or Antwerp). They will take place between October and December. We will keep you informed as soon as possible.
>> To read the article written by our partner ASBLissimo (in french)