ToolBox social club
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Friday 4 October, from 12.00 to 13.30, via Teams
The ToolBox social club is the place where ToolBoxers and ToolBox team share their experiences and insights on a variety of social sector topics. Our discussions are based on knowledge at global level as well as experiences within ToolBox missions and withing the sector.
For this second edition, the theme will be:
What do you need to do your volunteering with confidence and efficiency?
What do you need extra in your role as a ToolBoxer to correspond to the needs of the social profit organisations? In your role as ToolBoxer, you bring a fresh and different perspective to the issues facing the social profit organisation you support.
Many questions arise:
- what kind of common knowledge and content do you need for a better understanding of the social profit organisations?
- what are extra methodologies and/or advisory instruments you need to be a better 'compagnon de route'?
Let's share, debate and connect among ToolBoxers and ToolBox team !
Trilingual session (NL/EN/FR)